List of publications etc

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     From 1995 to 2022, papers whose first author was mainly Hanaishi are listed.

Master's Thesis: Methodological study of two-dimensional FT-EPR: separately observation of spin-correlated radical pairs.
(Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, 1994, Supervised by Prof. M. Iwaizumi) [in Japanese]


1) Ryuji Hanaishi, Yasunori Ohba, Kimio Akiyama, Seigo Yamauchi and Masamoto Iwaizumi, "Observation of spin-correlated radical pairs via two-dimensional electron paramegnetic resonance nutation spectroscopy", J. Chem. Phys., 103, 4819-4822 (1995).


2) Ryuji Hanaishi, Yasunori Ohba, Kimio Akiyama, Seigo Yamauchi and Masamoto Iwaizumi, "Two-Dimensional Fourier-Transform EPR Nutation Spectroscopy of Spin-Correlated Radical Pairs", J. Magn. Reson., Ser. A 116, 196-205 (1995).


3) Ryuji Hanaishi, Yasunori Ohba, Seigo Yamauchi and Masamoto Iwaizumi, "1D and 2D FT-EPR Studies on the Photoinduced Electron Transfer Reaction from Zn Porpyrin to Duroquinone in CTAC Micellar Solution", Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 69, 1533-1541 (1996).


4) Ryuji Hanaishi, Kouta Yamamoto, Yasunori Ohba, Seigo Yamauchi and Masamoto Iwaizumi, "Two Dimensional FT-EPR Spectroscopy for Spin-Correlated Radical Pairs - Application to Photoinduced Electron Transfer Reaction between ZnTPPS and DQ in a Micellar Solution", Appl. Magn. Reson., 10, 55-69 (1996).


5) Ryuji Hanaishi, Susumu Hayakari, "Application of CMB Methods to Management of a Dust Grievance Complained by Inhabitants around Smelting Factory Districts",Bulletin of Aomori Prefectutal Institute of Public Health and Environment, 10, 45-48 (1999). [in Japanese]


6) Ryuji Hanaishi, Teruo Saito, Shunji Sakazaki, Susumu Hayakari and Masayosi Sekino, "Water soluble heavy metal depositions in Hachinohe-city: from analytical method to application of CMB apportionment", ibid, 11, 47-53 (2000). [in Japanese]


7) Susumu Hayakari and Ryuji Hanaishi, "Introdution of Spreadsheet Application Macros for Environmental Data Analysis and Analytical Examples (II) -Macro for CMB Analysis-", Journal of Japan Society for Atrmosperic Environment, 36, 39-45 (2001). [in Japanese]


8) Ryuji Hanaishi, Susumu Hayakari, Teruo Saito, Toshiyuki Takahashi and Shin-ichi Ishizuka,"The estimation ofd emission sources of heavy metals of hazardous air pollutant in Hachinohe city", Bulletin of Aomori Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environment, 12, 31-41 (2001). [in Japanese]


9) Ryuji Hanaishi and Shin-ichi Ishizuka, "The establishument of analysis methods of heavy metals of hazardous air pollutants in Aomori prefecture",ibid, 12, 60-67 (2001).


10) Ryuji Hanaishi, Susumu Hayakari, Akira Matsuo and Yukio Noro, "Particle size distribution of suspended particulate matter in the metalworking industrial area in Hachinohe city -Monitoring results with an Andersen air sampler-", ibid, 14, 81-83 (2003). [in Japanese]


11) Ryuji Hanaishi, Hajime Mikami, Naofumi Nozawa, Shun Narita and Akira Matsuo, "Water temperature in Lake Towada investigated by means of thecontinuous measurements", ibid, 15, 23-30 (2004). [in Japanese]


12) Ryuji Hanaishi, Noriko Tsushima, Tokuhiko Yasuda, Reiji Akitaya and Akira Matsuo, "High Concentrtaion Cases of a Hazardous Air Pollutant when Yellow Sand Fell", ibid, 16,31-34 (2005). [in Japanese]


13) Ryuji Hanaishi, Tokuhiko Yasuda and Akira Matsuo, "Recent Trends in Results of the Train Noise of the JR Tsugarukaiyo Line: a New Type of Electric Locomotive EH500", ibid, 16, 25-30 (2005). [in Japanese]


14) Ryuji Hanaishi, Tokuhiko Yasuda, Ayako Yoshida and Akira Matsuo, "Recent Trends in Results of the Trian Noise of the JR Tsugarukaikyo Line: a New Type of Electric Locomotive EH-500 (the 2nd report)", ibid, 17, 49-52 (2006). [in Japanese]


15) Ryuji Hanaishi, Yoichi Watanabe and Takezumi Kon, "Behavior of nitrate nitrogen at eight layers under water at a fixed point in Lake Towada", ibid, 18, 18-21 (2007). [in Japanese]


16) Ryuji Hanaishi, Naofumi Nozawa Yoichi Watanabe and Takezumi Kon, "Results of a study on water quality of catchment water in Lake Towada in spring of 2007", ibid, 18, 22-25 (2007). [in Japanese]


17) Ryuji Hanaishi, "Stochastic Liouville equation studies of FT-EPR spectra of singlet-triplet mixing photo-chemically generated radical pair system", J. Magn. Reson., 193,119-126 (2008).


18) Ryuji Hanaishi, Ikuyo Kudo, Youichi Watanabe, Ryuji Kudo, Minoru Saito, Shin-ichi Ishizuka, "Survey Results for Water Quality of Lake Towada - Water Quality Surveys of Public Water Area and Fixed-point Stratified Water Sampling Surveys -", Bulletin of Aomori Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environment, 20, 22-29 (2009). [in Japanese]


19) Ryuji Hanaishi, Takuya Ichinohe, Ikuyo Kudo and Ryuji Kudo, "Analysis Results of Different Forms of Phosphorus in Lake Towada Sediment by Means of Sequential Extraction Method", ibid, 20,30-33 (2009). [in Japanese]


20) Ryuji Hanaishi, Naofumi Nozawa, Kaori Kudo, and Teruo Saito, "Analysis Results for Different Forms of Nickel as Hazarous Air Pollutants in Hachinohe Area", ibid, 21, 42-46 (2010). [in Japanese]


21) Ryuji Hanaishi, Noboru Katano, and Teruo Saito, "Results of Phytoplankton and Chlorophyll-a Surveilance in Lake Towada Water - From Fiscal 2001 to 2007-", ibid, 21, 51-54 (2010). [in Japanese]


22) Ryuji Hanaishi, Takuya Ichinohe, and Teruo Saito, "Results of Elemental Analysis of Lake Towada Water -Focusing on the Results of ICP-MS Analysis-", ibid, 21, 55-57 (2010). [in Japanese]


23) Ryuji Hanaishi, Noriko Tsushima. and Kaori Kudo, "Estimation of Emission Source of Hazardous Air Pollutants in Hachinohe Area -a Focus on Multi-Elemental Analysis", ibid,, 22, 23-27 (2011). [in Japanese]


24) Ryuji Hanaishi, Hisashi Nozawa, Takuya Ichinohe, Ikuyo Kudo, and Ryuji Kudo, "Looading of Pollution Source at Lake towada -for the period up to Fiscal 2009-", ibid, 22, 28-33 (2011). [in Japanese]


25) Ryuji Hanaishi, Naofumi Nozawa, Kaori Kudo, and Teruo Saito, "Discussion on the Cause of Foam in the Oirase River", ibid, 22, 34-40 (2011). [in Japanese]


26) Koji Yoneya and Ryuji Hanaishi, "Report on the Survey Results of Water Quality in Lake Towada", Journal of Environmental Laboratories Association, 38, 53-59 (2013). [in Japanese]


27) Ryuji Hanaishi and Hirohisa Sato,"Discussion on Colorimetry of Tin from View Points of Analytical Chemistry", Bulletin of Aomori Prefectural Public Health and Environment Center, 25, 27-32(2014). [in Japanese]


28) Ryuji Hanaishi and Hirohisa Sato, "Sensitization effects by acids in flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry of heavy metal: focusing on a system composed with chromium, nitric acid and perchloric acid", ibid, 26, 20-24(2015). [in Japanese]


29) Ryuji Hanaishi, Akemi Yamamoto, Minoru Nakaya, Hirohisa Sato, "Measurements of domoic acids as amnesic shellfish poisons by means of ultra-high performance liquid chromatography", Annual Report of Aomori Prefectural Public Health and Environment Center, 27, 28-35(2016). [in Japanese]


30) Ryuji Hanaishi, Shiho Kudo, Naofumi Nozawa, Hirohisa Sato, "A study on coloration mechanism of Aoike Pond in the Juniko region(the 1st report)", ibid, 27, 36-52(2016). [in Japanese]


31) Ryuji Hanaishi, Hirohisa Sato, "Chemical mass balance methods involving searching emission sources giving non-negative contributions", ibid, 27, 70-73(2016). [in Japanese]


32) Ryuji Hanaishi, Hirohisa Sato, "Sensitization effects due to chromium in flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry of lead", ibid, 27, 74-77(2016). [in Japanese]


33) Ryuji Hanaishi, Megumi Shibata, Minoru Nakaya, Akemi Yamamoto, Hirohisa Sato, "Analyses of the amnesic shellfish poison domoic acid using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography: successful separation using a core-shell column", ibid, 28, 45-50 (2017). [in Japanese]


34) Ryuji Hanaishi, Hirohisa Sato, "Coloration mechanism of Aoike Pond in Lake Juniko (2nd report): hardware and software of a laboratory-built apparatus for measurements of absorption spectra", ibid, 28, 51-55 (2017). [in Japanese]


35) Ryuji Hanaishi, Naoto Osaka, Megumi Shibata, Naofumi Nozawa, Hirohisa Sato, "Coloration mechanism of Aoike Pond in Lake Juniko (3rd report): analyses of photometric results", ibid, 28, 56-62 (2017). [in Japanese]


36) Ryuji Hanaishi, Naoto Osaka, and Kazuhisa Chikita, "Coloration mechanism of Aoike Pond in Lake Juniko (fourth report): Simulation of blue coloration",ibid, 29, 26-52(2018). [in Japanese]


37) Ryuji Hanaishi, "A chemical mass balance method giving nonnegative source contribution by the maximum likelihood method", ibid, 29, 53-58(2018). [in Japanese]


38) Ryuji Hanaishi, Naoto Osaka, and Kazuhisa Chikita, "A study on the coloration of Aoike Pond, Aomori Prefecture: Image analyses and modeling", Journal of the Japanese Society of Physical Hydrology, 1, 3-23(2019). [in Japanese]

Link to "Journal of the Japanese Society of Physical Hydrology", 1(1), 2019

39) Ryuji Hanaishi, Akemi Yamamoto, "An examination of analysis of histamine in food for health risk management", Annual Report of Aomori Prefectural Public Health and Environment Center, 30, 25-31(2019). [in Japanese]


40) Ryuji Hanaishi, Naoto Osaka, and Kazuhisa Chikita, "A study on the coloration of Aoike Pond, Aomori Prefecture: Elaboration of the model", Journal of the Japanese Society of Physical Hydrology, 2, 25-45(2020). [in Japanese]

DOI: 10.34502/physhydro.2.1_25

41) Ryuji Hanaishi, Akemi Yamamoto, "An examination of the analytical method for the determination of non-volatile amines in foods for health risk management", Annual Report of Aomori Prefectural Public Health and Environment Center, 31, 49-55(2020). [in Japanese]


42) Ryuji Hanaishi, "A spreadsheet application macro for calculation of a chemical mass balance by means of Bayesian statistical technique", Journal of Environmental Laboratories Association, 46, 59-64(2021). [in Japanese]


43) Ryuji Hanaishi, Kazuhisa A. Chikita, "A Study on the Blue Coloration of Ao-ike Pond, Aomori Prefecture, Japan: Formulation of a Physical Model in Terms of Radiance and Image Analyses", Applied Sciences, 11. 9231(2021).


44) Ryuji Hanaishi, Ikuyo Kudo, Maiko Tamura, Mamoru Sasaki, "Analyses of Ionic Compositions Cotained in Precipitation in Aomori Prefecture", Annual Report of Aomori Prefectural Public Health and Environment Center, 32, 62-68(2021). [in Japanese]


45) Ryuji Hanaishi, "Development of a spreadsheet application macro for chemical mass balance calcualtion using Bayesian statistical technique", ibid, 32, 69-83(2021). [in Japanese]


46) Ryuji Hanaishi, Soya Sugao, "An experiment to remove 1,4-dioxane from groundwater using peroxodisulfate salt", ibid, 32, 115-122(2021). [in Japanese]


47) Ryuji Hanaishi, Motoko Bodaiji, Taketo Jin, "Analysis of temporal changes in pH of acid rain in Aomori Prefecture: separation and extraction of seasonal changes and trends", ibid, 33, 61-67(2022). [in Japanese]


48) Ryuji Hanaishi, "Development of a spreadsheet macro for chemical mass balance calculations based on the Bayesian statistical method: processing of time series data", ibid, 33, 86-93(2022). [in Japanese]


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